Thursday, August 1, 2013

We climbed a hill that day...

We climbed a hill one day,
Not knowing what was on the other side.
Not caring what was on the other side,
We climbed a hill that day.

On the trail we slipped,
Sometimes we even fell.
The air was chilly and the rain had her own will,

We climbed a hill that day.

On the top we reached, each in his own time,
On the top we reached, each in his own way.
All were students on the hill that day...
We climbed a hill that day.

On the top we were told to face another reality,
On that hill we reached a fence.
On that hill we were reminded how privileged we were,
On that hill I remembered our seeds were planted by a man.
And that man came from a reality...
A reality on the other side of the fence.
We climbed a hill that day...

 On my way down I was without breath,
The journey tested my grit and I passed.
But a sense of awe was within me,
I touched upon the memory of someone that was far beyond my reach.
We climbed a hill that day...
And met a memory on the way.


And his soul was filled with joy, and for a moment he had to pause to recover his breath. “The past," he thought “is linked to the present by an unbroken chain of events all flowing from one to the other." And it seemed to him that he had just seen both ends of the chain, and when he touched one end the other trembled.

The Student, Anton Chekhov

Sunday, February 24, 2013

I want to grow up to be a kid.

If you don't have a struggle uphill the journey down the slope won't be as fun.
Knowing that you can make the journey up gives the courage to stick your hand in the dirt. again.

The trick with age might be to feel like a kid every second you-
-Feel like your knees are giving out
-You ain't good enough for the world
-You can't see well enough
-You regret more than you reminisce

The trick with age might be to feel like a kid every second.