The lay of the liar

From the courthouses of Bengal... on the south eastern shore,
A land full of mystique&and many a lore.
I bring you the bane of all things in the judicial way,
I give you the liar's lay.
The audience, the jury and even those with a grudge,
In respect all stood up for the benevolence, that is the judge.
All except one,the accused... that con of a man,
He didn't bother,he didn't give a damn.
He came and lied in that court an unholy lie that everyone loathe,
He said it when came he first to give out his oath.
"I promise to speak the truth,the whole truth and nothing but the truth"said he.
Said it withe such joy, such uncouth glee.
Here my dear sahib's and mem's was not a man with a case to plea.
The judge was a man not known to mince his words,
He silenced the guilty with such malevolence and joy,the same way mind you Euler did his Surds.
"Did you or did you not kill Mr Chatterjee?!!"
'No' came a cool reply from a man who cared a rats ass if he was hung or sent scot free.
"Where then were you on the night of the murder!!?"
"With the wife,sir playing snake and ladder"
"But you lie... you son of a gun!!you're not even married!!"
"Aah..!but 'twas not my wife"He parried.
"You adulterous lecher you!!'ll hang you will!!!"
"I'll play golf sir free as a man who has paid his bill"
And so the cries and the litanies were sung,
But with a lie and a spell he eased through ...the snake that crooked fork tongue.
No evidence,no witness, not even a case to plea.
The judge said "Let this rogue this liar be!"
[Rumor was the judge was getting late for his afternoon tea.]
The liar strutted thus,away he went for all eyes to see,
But lo! stopped he was,by the dutiful sepahi.
"Sir...what your name is??pray tell me??"
"Umm ... Uhhh..."he stuttered he did .in utter desperation said he,
"Why my good man I'm Mr Chatterjee!".
A land full of mystique&and many a lore.
I bring you the bane of all things in the judicial way,
I give you the liar's lay.
The audience, the jury and even those with a grudge,
In respect all stood up for the benevolence, that is the judge.
All except one,the accused... that con of a man,
He didn't bother,he didn't give a damn.
He came and lied in that court an unholy lie that everyone loathe,
He said it when came he first to give out his oath.
"I promise to speak the truth,the whole truth and nothing but the truth"said he.
Said it withe such joy, such uncouth glee.
Here my dear sahib's and mem's was not a man with a case to plea.
The judge was a man not known to mince his words,
He silenced the guilty with such malevolence and joy,the same way mind you Euler did his Surds.
"Did you or did you not kill Mr Chatterjee?!!"
'No' came a cool reply from a man who cared a rats ass if he was hung or sent scot free.
"Where then were you on the night of the murder!!?"
"With the wife,sir playing snake and ladder"
"But you lie... you son of a gun!!you're not even married!!"
"Aah..!but 'twas not my wife"He parried.
"You adulterous lecher you!!'ll hang you will!!!"
"I'll play golf sir free as a man who has paid his bill"
And so the cries and the litanies were sung,
But with a lie and a spell he eased through ...the snake that crooked fork tongue.
No evidence,no witness, not even a case to plea.
The judge said "Let this rogue this liar be!"
[Rumor was the judge was getting late for his afternoon tea.]
The liar strutted thus,away he went for all eyes to see,
But lo! stopped he was,by the dutiful sepahi.
"Sir...what your name is??pray tell me??"
"Umm ... Uhhh..."he stuttered he did .in utter desperation said he,
"Why my good man I'm Mr Chatterjee!".
What Only Paul :D
Snake n Ladder :P
mr Chatterjee himself!
i dunno dis poem reminds of d poems dat v had in our textbooks... very dat 'kinda'
i like it tho! :)
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