The Lost Music was his way of talking about the way he believed that old wives' tales and dance tunes and folktales were just the tangled echoes of something that's not quite of this world ... something we all knew once, but have forgotten since.
- Part One: The Hidden People, "The Quarrlsome Piper"
-Charles de Lint

Aroused from the dreariness of life,
By the four knocks of fate,
A light in that dark hour of your strife,
A partner in your hour of hate...
Pull your soul out above this damn monotony,
And dance to that thunderous beat,
To name it a song or divine symphony,
The creator himself will stop in awe for this...his creation's feat.
When the entire world screams at you ...
You turn this song up... a few notches up ...just a few
Shut their trap it sure does, like the fall of cold rain
On dry minds... gone insane ,them hearts gone inhumane.
And it settles down again and the darkness shall creep once more
For this is no bards tale, no happy ending in store,
And you cower down under the laughter of fools.
Masters of nothing, slaves to their own tools.
No hope, no ray of light whence backed up alone in that corner of yours,
And beyond hope ,beyond all cures...
You see the baton in your hand ,
And you turn up the volume once more ...
And you make your final stand...

Music is like a dream. One that I cannot hear.
Ich werde im Himmel hören! (I will hear in heaven!)
Said on his deathbed,1827(Last words)